Legal notice

Company name : SAHGEV

Legal status : SAS

Company register : 321 609 323 00019

Main activity code : 2822Z

Address : 9 rue de Montureux - 70500 GEVIGNEY

Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone : +33 (0)3 84 68 12 79

Trade registry : 321 609 323

VAT number : FR21 321 609 323

Responsible for publication : Stéphane QUENOT

echnical and graphic fulfilment : - 9, Rue de Villersexel, 70000 VESOUL - contact[@]

Web host :
OVH - 2, Rue Kellerman, 59100 ROUBAIX

Personal data

In accordance with the European Directive 2009/136 / EC, we inform you about the personal data collected by this site. You have the rights of access, modification and deletion of personal data about you on request by contacting:

Stéphane QUENOT
By email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
By phone : 03 84 68 18 37
By post : 9 rue de Montureux - 70000 GEVIGNEY


When you surf, this is registered on your web browser or on your computer (tablet and mobile phone). It provides information to the web site owners.

Les cookies que nous utilisons

Logs : this is the web site historical traffic . It is only used for technical purpose (check the good running of the web site, be sure that the web site is not used for malicious purpose (hacking, spam……) . Only your IP address is collected and is kept for 90 days. This information is stocked on the server that hosts the web site and is only accessible by the developer to the site (

Forms : the different forms on the web site only collect the data that we have entered in the fields. They are stocked on the database of this web site during the life span of the web site. They are also transmitted by mail to the company Netizis.

Google Analytics : Google Analytics is a statistical tool. It gives us information about your behavior in our site and allows us to improve it. The data is only accessible by the company Netizis and are only used for analysis purposes. It is kept 26 months.

The cookies on this website are disabled.
This decision can be reversed anytime by clicking the below button "Allow Cookies".

General information

All the rights concerning the texts, images, sales events, logos, sounds, diagrams, videos used, and put at the public’s disposal on the internet pages are reserved by SAHGEV. They are protected by copyright and by other author’s rights and cannot be duplicated, modified or diffused by third people for profit-making. Unless otherwise stated, the logos, the registration plates, the brand names, the writings and the emblems cannot be used without a SAHGEV special written authorization as for advertising purposes or as for public diffusion of the information given in those pages.

The SAHGEV internet pages have been established with the highest care. SAHGEV disclaims any responsibility relating the accuracy and the rightness of the information provided on these internet pages. SAHGEV is not responsible for any damages occurring by the direct or indirect use of these internet pages, which is not the result of SAHGEV negligence?

All the links on the SAHGEV internet pages towards other providers are only bound for the user’s comfort. But, SAHGEV is not liable for the contents of those pages. The links towards those third pages must not be considered as references or an agreement of those pages, neither as information or realizations put a the user’s disposal on the same pages. The use of the links is submitted only at the user’s liability.

There is no contractual relationship between SAHGEV and the user. SAHGEV reserves the right at any time to change the content and the format of those internet pages.

If SAHGEV asks the customer for personal information destined to the SAHGEV internet pages, the customer gives these data willingly. These information are confidential and are treated only in the frame of the disposition of the law on the data protection.